Monday, January 26, 2009

Tet - Celebration of the Vietnamese New Year

It must be an east coast thing, but everyone I run into calls it "Chinese" New Year here. HeellLLOOo! The Chinese aren't the only ones that celebrate! The more "PC" term would be "Asian New Year," since most East Asian cultures celebrate.

In Vietnam, we call it Tet, and this is the year of the Water Buffalo. There's a custom in Vietnam, which says that what you do today sets the tone for the rest of the year. So. With that said, I've used my stress ball, practiced my breathing techniques, and been a very, very good girl! ^.^ No tylenol or medications, plus only ONE cup of coffee. See? Way better than those resolutions, right?

Err... I'd go into details about water buffalo years, but I don't believe in horoscopes. Ironic since I personally am a classic tiger, and my grandfather made astrological charts on his grandchildren (which were eerily true...). ^.^

Chug Mung Nam Moi Everybody!


Anonymous said...

First Western New Years, then the Asian New Year, next Mardi Gras!

CharlesWS said...

I'm sorry this is a day late, dear Yen, but Chug Mung Nam Moi to you, too! :)