Friday, December 5, 2008

This Crazy Little Thing Called Blogging

Hopefully this will be the start of more blogs to come!

Throughout my life and my career, I've written many, many things; including stories, excerpts, personal reflections, and curriculum. Yes, I DID say curriculum. -As in terribly boring instructions on what to teach, how to teach and when to teach it. Without going into too much detail, I will say that I AM a sort of stodgy educator-type person who's written enough lesson plans to choke a starving beaver. I'm not proud of the fact that entire rain forests have died to my cause, but've gotta eat!

As to WHY I've started to blog? Several reasons really.
1. I've got lots to say. Not really sure who wants to hear it, but at this point, I don't care. Mentally speaking, I've got so much nervous energy in me that it's the equivalent of a neurotic dog chasing its tail. One day, I'll catch it. -And between you and me? I don't really want to. So....welcome to my outlet!

2. I've lived on myspace for almost four years now. -NOT as Yen, mind you... but as my alter ego. I'll introduce her later. But I feel it's time to stop hiding behind her shadow and "come out" into the open, so to speak. I need room to grow, meet new people and a gather a following.

3. I want fans! ...not the kind that you use to cool off. I want the kind that inspire, challenge and fire you into the realm of pure mental satisfaction! (Please...get your mind out of the gutter.... ;P) I want the fans that love my writing and just starve/crave for more! As my alter ego, I've had a small... (when I mean small, I mean...minuscule) following, and I liked it. Is it wrong to be so power hungry? writing for the masses really called power hungry? Meh, so be it. I'll be a tyrant if I can get fans.

4. There are voices in my head. Stories...plotlines....goofy scenes and just random pieces of thoughts that scream and keep me awake at night, begging to be immortalized on this temporary electronic "diary" of sorts. Time to give them a voice. Maybe then, I'll be able to sleep at night without pacing around restlessly while battle scenes play out in my psyche.

5. Lastly, it's because I'm a forgetful person. One day, I'll forget little things, like whether or not I brushed my teeth or combed my hair. -Or even what I did last night or last week! Heaven forbid, but this blog could be my last hope for remembering to feed the dog in the morning... or putting coffee grounds in the coffee maker before turning the thing on. ...and yes, I know that there are all sorts of organizers for this, but you can never find enough places to put records of your thoughts and ideas when one day, it'll be all you have. last reason. I got this advice from reading Duane Swierczynski's interview on Newsarama. You see... one day, I want to aspire to be like my own way. He said that you have to make a writing goal every day. Well, here it is: Blogging 101. Writing goal for the day: COMPLETE!

So that would put me at... a couple more thousand to go! WOOT!

1 comment:

CharlesWS said...

For what it's worth, dear friend, you've had me as a fan for a while let's see about making your outlet all it can be! :)