Wednesday, December 17, 2008


My boss is trying to get me to go decaff. He says I'm too perky in the morning.

Ironically, I only drink one cup a day. Albeit, that cup could have been laced with 1-3 shots of expresso, but it's still just one cup. Woe unto those who dare suggest that I give up my one cup! It's like brushing my teeth in the morning. If I don't have my cup of coffee, the world just doesn't feel right for the rest of the day. In fact, it feels wrong.

I tell my boss that in college, I was much, MUCH worse. Not only did I drink triple shot mochas on a daily basis, but they would be coupled with a cinnamon sugared donut, or bag of peanut M & Ms, or BOTH! (Had to have my healthy protein!)

I even used to experiment with such dangerous substances like chocolate covered expresso beans, Super dew (Mountain dew mixed with Kool Aid), and Jolt cola. When one of the first energy drinks came out, I had half a can of Xtazy in order to make a 3 hour drive at 2 in the morning with my friends. Needless to say, the resulting 2-3 days of insomnia kept me from ever any of those toxically caffeinated things again!

My favorite cup of coffee comes from Starbucks. You can visit their Beverage Lineup here. The BEST Starbucks? It's a little drive through in Puyallup, Washington. As soon as you take your cup from the barista and sip, you're hit with the realization of, "DAYUMN, this is GOOD!" followed by, "Holy Heck! I didn't burn my tongue!" and lastly, "OMG! And it's just perfectly heated!!!" Now THAT is a great cup of coffee!


CharlesWS said...

You've just got to love bosses, right, Yen?

Actually, you don't. Seriously.

You'd think that a supervisor (these days a boss can't be a leader, they can only supervise) would WANT someone perky and energetic working for them! However. In these days of reduced expectations, it must feel as wrong to your boss to see you bright and ready to go as it is for you when the boss tells you, "Hey, chill on the Starbucks!"

The Wolf's Woof said...

I prefer my caffeine cold, like in an ice cold Coca-Cola! Woo!!!

Yen Verhoeven said...

Well... he DOES like perky and energetic. But unfortunately, he's afraid if I'm too much so, I'll scare people away. LOL!

Wolfy... I thought you couldn't have the sugar?

Anonymous said...

You brush your teeth with coffee?

(kidding, kidding...)

I used to make mixed drink using Surge (the former competition to the Dew)... my friends wound up drunk AND hyper.

Good times...